
Almost all products are now available again!

With the exception of our tubes, all USM Haller products such as balls, feet, connectors, etc. are now available again. Also in large quantities. Just contact us if you have...

Almost all products are now available again!

With the exception of our tubes, all USM Haller products such as balls, feet, connectors, etc. are now available again. Also in large quantities. Just contact us if you have...

Care instructions for your USM Haller piece of ...

Your USM Haller furniture is more than just furnishings – it is an investment in design and functionality. To ensure the beauty and longevity of your furniture, it is crucial...

Care instructions for your USM Haller piece of ...

Your USM Haller furniture is more than just furnishings – it is an investment in design and functionality. To ensure the beauty and longevity of your furniture, it is crucial...

Discover the variety of USM Haller pipes at USM...

At USM4U we are proud to offer an exclusive selection of USM Haller tubes, available in a variety of lengths and styles to suit your individual needs. Our tubes, available...

Discover the variety of USM Haller pipes at USM...

At USM4U we are proud to offer an exclusive selection of USM Haller tubes, available in a variety of lengths and styles to suit your individual needs. Our tubes, available...

Tool for USM Haller will soon be available again

In approx. 3-5 days we will have our tools for USM Haller furniture available again. You can buy it here:

Tool for USM Haller will soon be available again

In approx. 3-5 days we will have our tools for USM Haller furniture available again. You can buy it here:

High-quality USM Haller accessories: A comprehe...

Extensive range of USM Haller accessories. It includes balls, connectors, tubes (with and without holes), leveling feet, special tools and glass shelf holders that are designed for the individual design...

High-quality USM Haller accessories: A comprehe...

Extensive range of USM Haller accessories. It includes balls, connectors, tubes (with and without holes), leveling feet, special tools and glass shelf holders that are designed for the individual design...

Spare parts for your USM Haller office

Furniture is crucial for a modern and functional office. USM Haller furniture stands for design and durability. But what do you do if parts need to be replaced? This is...

Spare parts for your USM Haller office

Furniture is crucial for a modern and functional office. USM Haller furniture stands for design and durability. But what do you do if parts need to be replaced? This is...